Getting your radical edge


• Skim the bestseller lists, magazine racks, television listing and headline of newspapers from around the country and the world. Scope out the room that you are sitting in and the crowd that you are walking with. Watch the trends in technology. Be an anthropologist. Study behavior. Notice things.Scan.

• Listen to what people are saying at work, at home, in the supermarket, on the radio. What are your customers saying about their own challenges in their work? What are you neighbours saying about their? Did you hear something noteworthy? Don't judge; record. Write your notes here.

• Review what you have seen and heard. Now ask yourself:
> What do these things mean to me and mine?
> What are the implications for and the impact on my business, my life, the world?
> What other questions do I need to ask about what I have seena nd heard?
> What is most important in my life? Why?
> What is my frequency?
> How do I consistently live in tune with it?
> What, if anything, is missing?

This is your space to consider anything - anything at all. Do not edit, do not judge, just reflect and let it roll.

How you respond to it depends so much more than just on the choice of colours used, although this has of course its play in it as well. It is in the eyes of he beholder, we just need to find as much common ground as possible for the target group to react on.

Looking forward, it will be interesting to see if we think of colour (in general and of course black and white in particular) in the same way as as we now do. Technology make it easier for us to implement more and more colours into design everyday. Web based graphics are restricted by the screen on which they are displayed but the technology in this is rapidly evolving. Printed graphics have also changes drastically with new technology in the last decades. With digital printing pushing the envelope each day, one of the latest being ability to print white colour numb our sense of its usage, or will we embrace it and thus replace black and white with a more colourful spectra?

• Recruit a team of fellow Extreme Leaders - your team at work, your fellow volunteer in your community efforts, your family, neighbours and friends. Choose a time and place to gather, talk, kick it around, commiserate, and inspired - a time to compare notes on your experiences as human beings.

• List the things you want to bring to the group’s attention, the things you find interesting, funny, odd, inspiring; the things you need help understanding; the things you find noteworthy.

• Now that you have scanned, eavesdropped, pondered for a whole, and talked about it with some trusted kindred spirits, it is time to do something. Do something bold, something audacious - something that could change the world for the better.

> These are the things I am going to experiment with...
> These are the things I will change right now...
> These are the commitments I make to the people around me and to myself...
> These are the people I will need to help get it all done...

“I may not have the capacity to love everyone, but I do have the capacity to act as if I do and run my business accordingly” - Agnes Golden

“Do what you love in the service of people who love what you do” - Pops Maritime

• Ask each person to tell you one important story or event from his or her life. Or look for an opportunity to find our more during your next conversation. Ask each to share with you his or her number one business challenge. Ask if there's some way you can be of service. - Something you can do to help each person's challenge. Even if that person declines your offer, he or she will always appreciate your asking.

• Describe what you do at work, and then answer the following questions:
  • What do you love about it?
  • What don't you love?
  • What keeps you from loving it more?

• For the sake of this practice, think of the people you encounter at work as either "internal" or "external" to your business. Write down the names of one or two key internal people ( colleagues, employees, staff, managers, partners, associates, etc.)

• Now list everything you know about each person - beyond the "function" he or she serves. Assess how much you or don't know about each as a human being.

• Now... pick one to two more people and do it again. Repeat until you run out of people - for the rest of your life, in other words.

3 Amp your life
"But it is not about finding your frequency by ruling out everything else; on the contrary, it is finding the frequency that includes all those other important values and ideals. The very act of trying to wrap it all together is what's really important, because to do that you have to get very clear on what you mean by each value and principle. You have to define, think through and understand each to its core, and evaluate your life against each one. The clearer you get, the closer you get to the frequency that pulsates through your life and characterises who you really are" - Agnes Golden

• Tune in to your frequency. List 5 values on principles that are most important to you in the way you live your life. Write down your best definitions. Now, tune in to one by considering the follow perspectives. Which one of the values.

• .. is the most important to you in the way you live your life?
• ... has the clearest meaning for you?
• ..  feels the best?
• .. most accurately describes who you really are?
• ... best describes how you would like other to know you?
• ... most fully encompasses you other values?
• ... energizes you when you think about it?
• ... if it were a radio station, would you turn up the loudest?

That's your frequency.

• TURN IT UP. Think of all the roles you play your life at work, at home, in the community, and with your family and friends. To what degree do you live by your frequency in each of those roles? In other words, at what volume does your frequency play in each role?

• For the next week, take notes in your WUP about how your frequency shows up - or doesn't - in your activities in the roles you play. The work on the solution(s) to this question:-
 > What can you change about your activities, your attitudes, your priorities, or your choices that will bring you more in tune with your frequency  and reduce the static in your life?

.Four Skate! Guidelines for changing the world.

"Define what you mean by "world" and get clear on how you want that would to be different from the current reality. "World" doesn't have to mean the very fabric of human existence, although it certainly could be. It could be the world of your customers, neighbourhood, industry - or the world of one person, for that matter. you define it yourself." - Ronald and Perricone & Skate

1) What is your world - the world you would like to change?
> Who is in it?
> What is your relationship to these individuals?
> Why do you care about them?
> Why do you care so deeply about this world?
> How do you want your world to be different than it is today? (Be specific about what changes need to happen and what a changed world will look like in the future)

"Ac as if your every action has a direct impact on the world. In other words, perform every deed as if it will either improve the world or damage it." - Roanld Perrionce and SKATE!

2) List the first 3 steps you personally need to take in order to create the change you described.
Set a deadline for step#1. If the above quote were literally true, what would you do differently starting right now?

"Don' judge yourself based on the outcome of your efforts. If you succeed, don't take credit for it; if you fail, don't blame yourself. The only thing you take credit for is the fact that you tried." - Roanld Perrionce and SKATE!

3) Write the above quote on a piece of paper and tape it to your bathroom mirror.
> Now, review #2 and get going.

"Never - never,ever - try to do it alone." - Ronald Perricone & Skate

4) Build your own SKATE! Team and create your community for change.
• Consider starting with one or two others and grow from there. Take your time finding like minded people who want to change their worlds for the better and who fully believe that, with help, they can get it done. These are people you would love to spend time with, people who are different from you, yet whose frequencies are harmonious with your own. Most important, build a team of people who can ontribute to one another.

• Experiment and find the best structure for your meetings -  whatever works for you will be the right way. Or, try this meeting process:

(1) Take turns reading new entries from your WUPs. 
(2) Have an open, no-holds-barred conversation about your findings and observations.
(3) Give a progress report on each person's change-the-world project and identif areas that need help, ideas and solutions.
(4) Brainstorm ideas and solutions as a group for each project
(5) Take a few minutes of solo time to record notes in your WUPs.


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