RUN MLK (parse906 version)

What is RUN MLK?
RUN MLK co-founder is by Joe Tribe

New York has “I Heart NYC” tees. Melaka has “RUN MLK” tees. Putting a spin on hip hop’s Run DMC motive and appropriating it for his hometown, Joe’s Run MLK concept was originally meant as the Tribe Sound DJs’ official apparel but quicly gained favour amongst Melaka’s B-boys, skateboarders and BMX bikers. Now demand comes in from all over Malaysia that Joe and has created more versions and featured artist collaborations and extended the line to stickers and car accessories just to keep up. 


Malacca got a legend story about an animal called, "Sang Kancil". It is a kind of deer.

Sang Kancil a smart animal. 
I was inspired by the story of Sang Kancil.
(above) it is a video about the story
It was facing a problem one day when it arrived a river. It will like to
 cross the river and there is a lot of crocodiles (bastards) at there.
The crocodiles were trying to Sang Kancil.
Sang Kancil was smart enough to cheat the crocodile and it manages to cross the river safely.

In addition, I also attach a statement, "Sang Kancil Never Been Fool By Bastards!"
The crown was added on top of it as showing it is smart. 
There is a necklace around its neck, the "K" letter refer to King and Kancil.
So, I did add on the element of Malacca iconic animal into it to make it looks more strong.


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